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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

How Can I help?

One of another frequently asked question is: how can I help?  The usual answer is: in many ways.  You will be amazed how much help we will need (and not just technical and medical) to ensure success of this organization.

Please check the Resources Needed on the left to check an updated list of resources that are needed.

There are two guiding principles of this organization that I want you to focus on,
1.  By working with us, you will improve your skill sets or career and life as well.
2.  Collaborate, don't just bang your head against the wall.

What do I mean?
My skills may be better used as an organizer and initially to guide the organization. I will focus on these topics and will acquire skills to do a better job everyday.  How?  I will ask those with skills (such as MBA, experience in running an organization etc. -- like
Steve Shuand others).  But part of setting up the organization requires setting up a web presence, setting up a database.  Well, for that I will ask help from others who are experts at this.

What does that mean to you?
It depends.  What is that you want to learn?  focus on?  

For a medical personnel it might be: (not just doctors, medical students.. but dieticians, PT, RT, SW, RNs)

- how to review literature (to improve your clinical practice)
- learn the specific needs of the south asian population that you take care of (to improve your clinical practice)
- learn to design studies and perform studies (to improve you skill sets)
- to teach how to design studies and perform studies (for those faculty members, you will have many able bodies eager to learn and work WITH you on your projects).
- learn how you can change behavior in your south asian (or other) patients, once we have identified those interventions that work.

For IT and computer programmers/web designers/database programmers:
- improve your skills (by helping us design)
- get involved with your community by working with our community project partners

For those in business/finance:
you can help us with fund raising,
you can volunteer in your community

There are other million ways that we haven't thought of.

Please check out Resources Needed on the left side to see what our immediate needs are.  You will see there is a lot that you can offer.


Author: sahri