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Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Welcome to the South Asian Health Research Institute

This blog is for the members of the South Asian Health Research Institute (SAHRI).    The mission of SAHRI is to improve the health of South Asians across the globe through medical research and translating the research into the daily practices of the community.

What is South Asia?
Countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka make up the region of South Asia.

How do we achieve our goal?
1.  We would like to provide infrastructure to perform and promote medical research for the South Asian community across the globe.
2.  Perform large epidemiological study that focuses on identifying health care access, utilization and other issues such as risk factors, best treatment modalities for various diseases such as coronary artery disease (CAD), cancers and diabetes.
3.  Provide support and guidance to various community organization to help translate the medical research into everyday life of our community.

Who can join?
Anyone who is interested in the South Asian community's health care issues can join.   You do not have to be a medical professional.  There are many ways one can help in achieving the above three goals.   Please Check out the  How Can I Help? section and Resources Needed subsection. 

Please click on the tab "Disease Specific Blogs" on the top of the page for individual disease entities.  If you want to see others created, please email me.

For those who want to contribute to this community, please register by clicking on "sign up now," the registration will be approved by our sys admin, and then you are free to contribute.  We also have a feature for RSS, or syndication, which will allow you to follow the progress on SAHRI in general on your My Yahoo! or any other newsfeeder service.  Please click on the icon on the bottom of the page to subscribe.

Before I sign off, I want to thank Stephen Shu, COO of 21publish, and a dear friend for being an advisor to our institute.

Biren Saraiya MD

Author: sahri